optimized living ®

Create Deeper Connections This Valentine’s Day

February 8, 2018 ‐ Sylvaine HughsonPosted by ‐ Under: Peak Performance


It’s that time of year again when hearts, roses, and chocolates are seemingly everywhere and everyone is talking about love. Whether you have found that special someone or are still searching – it’s important to remember that Valentine’s Day is about so much more than gift-giving. It’s about turning inwards, appreciating what you currently have, and lovingly sharing your gratitude with others. Here are three of my favorite tips to help you create deeper connections this Valentine’s Day and make it as meaningful and enjoyable as possible!

1. Check In With Yourself

Take a few moments to go inwards and figure out exactly how you’re feeling about the upcoming day – are you feeling excited, adventurous, apprehensive, or sad? This is not about what society deems you ought to be feeling – this is about you and your reality.  So really check in here and empower yourself with a course of action to help you make the most of your experience this Valentine’s Day.  

2. Offer Your Full Attention

In everything you do and every interaction you have – give the gift of your full attention.  You will be amazed by how this improves the quality of your experience in the moment.  Simply being mindful allows you to connect more deeply with those around you and fully absorb the appreciation you receive as a result. 

3. Connect With Those You Love

Feeling loved and supported are gifts meant to be experienced by everyone. Consider Valentine’s Day a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with those you care about and, remember, that feeling “close” does not always require being nearby.  Make a point of enjoying a heart-warming phone conversation or sending a meaningful email or text – each expression of love and gratitude will go a long way toward making those you care about feel appreciated.

In the midst of this holiday, remember to “share the love” with yourself as well. Make time to go out dancing with friends, treat yourself to a massage, or schedule lunch & dinner dates with people whose company you enjoy.

Here’s to creating deeper connections this Valentine’s Day!

Sylvaine Signature

Are you ready to powerfully move the needle? Schedule your complimentary 20-minute Optimized Living® Discovery Session with me by clicking here. I look forward to connecting with you!


About Sylvaine


An Executive Health & Lifestyle Coach®, Sylvaine N. Hughson, is the Founder and Director of SNH – The Art & Science of Optimized Living®. As the Principal Coach and Consultant for SNH, Sylvaine works closely with high-level professionals, performance-driven groups, and Fortune 500 companies.  She helps her clients unleash the power of optimized mindset, wellness & lifestyle to fuel their peak performance and accomplish their most important goals.

She is certified as a Corporate Wellness Consultant, Corporate Wellness Provider, Holistic Health Coach, Master Transformational Coach, Raw Living Foods Health Educator, FirstLine Therapy Lifestyle Educator, Professional Life Coach, Yoga Instructor and Traditional Reiki Master.

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