5 Tips to Re-energize Your Mind & Body for 2016
It’s no secret that the festive season can sometimes feel like running a marathon. Back-to-back office parties, late nights, extensive entertaining with friends and family, rich food, the stress of last minute shopping, and the endless temptation of gift baskets – it can all add up and it’s a lot to manage both physically and mentally.
It’s no wonder that by the first week of January you may be feeling a bit lackluster, exhausted, disoriented, sluggish, and less than enthusiastic about following through on your long list of New Year’s resolutions!
All hope is not lost however. Below are my top 5 favorite tips to help you kick-start and re-energize your mind & body for the New Year.
1. Hydrate
This is your priority. It sounds so simple, but doing just this one little thing, consistently, can make a dramatic difference not only in how you feel, but also in how you look. Our bodies need adequate fluid levels to be able to function optimally. Feeling sluggish, having a mild headache, experiencing brain fog, dull skin, etc. may all be signs of dehydration. To combat the pace and indulgences of December, January is the perfect time to once again put taking care of your body at the top of your to-do list. If you’re like many of us December served up lots of alcoholic beverages and rich foods. What you’re left with is a dehydrated body, which also happens to be an unhappy body. Give yourself the attention you need and deserve by simply increasing your water intake – this is a simple solution that is hugely beneficial!
2. Rest
Also very important. Rest is often the first thing we give up during the busy holiday season. As invitations roll in and the festivities line up, rest can take a back seat. While the season of gift giving may have passed, the season of sharing colds and the flu is upon us… Sleep not only helps improve overall health, beauty, and mood, but it is also your best defense against colds and the flu.
3. Remember to Move
Sitting for long periods of time at family functions coupled with what can sometimes feel like eating as a competitive sport can leave you feeling sluggish, overweight, and out of shape. Adding more physical movement to your daily life can be simple, pleasurable, and highly effective. Park your car farther from your desired entrance, take the stairs, walk around the mall several times as you shop, or attend a yoga class. Choosing activities that are fun and enjoyable for you are key to your long-term success.
4. Recalibrate Your Eating
As we all know holiday season eating tends to involve heavier, richer foods, lots of alcoholic beverages, and sweets. Sugar alone can create a rollercoaster-like effect for your energy levels giving you lots of energy at first followed by a sudden and significant drop. Easing yourself off of sugar, alcohol, and calorie dense foods in the weeks after New Year’s can be highly beneficial. It’s important to note that sugar can have an addictive effect and you may need to transition slowly away from it. This is a wonderful time of year to consider doing a Detox or Wellness Reboot – essentially introducing healthier whole-food based meals into your diet while also eliminating less than ideal lower performing foods.
5. Be Mindful & Deliberate
After weeks of running around from function to function and perhaps experiencing very little sleep it is important to begin to slow down and establish a healthier and more sustainable life rhythm. Set yourself up for success by establishing rituals in your life that allow you to be more present and nourish yourself – good examples of this are meditation, yoga, going for a run, reading a good book that you enjoy, and catching up with friends. Begin to see each day as a series of opportunities to create a life that you love by design rather than by default.
Ready to boost your performance and jumpstart your energy & mental clarity in 2016? Join us for a 15-Day Wellness Reboot where we’ll help reset your body after the holidays and optimize your well-being as you start the New Year. We look forward to having you join us January 17th – 31st!
Here’s to a healthy and successful 2016!