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3 Tips for Boosting Productivity at Work

June 9, 2016 ‐ Sylvaine HughsonPosted by ‐ Under: Peak Performance


Big week ahead? No problem. Here are three of my favorite productivity boosting tips to help you quickly and effectively up-level your performance and bring your A Game. I’ll let you in on a little secret… It doesn’t have to be painful, complicated, or difficult. And here’s the key – remember to work with your body rather than against it!

1. Move Your Body

Get your blood flowing and your heart pumping early in the morning on big project days. This does not, necessarily, mean subjecting yourself to strenuous exercise. Going for a walk, taking a yoga class, or doing some light resistance training all qualify. This is simply about moving your body, “waking it up”, and lowering your stress levels so it can help support you more powerfully throughout your day.

2. Eat Light

A common mistake many people make on busy, stressful days is to overeat and binge on the wrong kinds of foods. Keep in mind, heavier meals require our bodies to work harder to break down food, which actually takes away from our ability to focus and troubleshoot effectively. Instead, discover just how laser-focused and alert you can feel when you eat a light, super nutritious meal for both breakfast and lunch.

3. Take Regular Breaks

The more intense and demanding the endeavor, the more critical it is to take regular breaks and step away from what you are working on. Taking a 5-15 minute break, consistently, is hugely beneficial to your ability to troubleshoot, problem-solve, and perform under pressure. Regain your perspective by going for a walk outside, stretching your legs or simply stepping away from the project at hand. Your time away will allow you to regain your focus, clarity, and efficiency.

Are you ready to powerfully move the needle? Schedule your complimentary 20-minute Optimized Living® Discovery Session with me by clicking here. I look forward to connecting with you!

Here’s to boosting your productivity from the inside out!

Sylvaine Signature

About Sylvaine

An Executive Health & Lifestyle Coach®, Sylvaine N. Hughson, is the Founder and Director of SNH – The Art & Science of Optimized Living®. As the Principal Coach and Consultant for SNH, Sylvaine works closely with high-level professionals, performance-driven groups, and Fortune 500 companies.  She helps her clients unleash the power of optimized mindset, wellness & lifestyle to fuel their peak performance and accomplish their most important goals.

She is certified as a Corporate Wellness Consultant, Corporate Wellness Provider, Holistic Health Coach, Master Transformational Coach, Raw Living Foods Health Educator, FirstLine Therapy Lifestyle Educator, Professional Life Coach, Yoga Instructor and Traditional Reiki Master.

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